Tyvek Party Wristbands

How to use Tyvek Wristbands for your Baby Shower


Celebrating the beginning of life and a woman’s journey into motherhood in the form of a baby shower has become increasingly popular in the UK and with the Duchess of Cambridge due next month, we thought we’d share how wristbands can be used in your celebrations.


The custom of showering the mother-to-be with gifts originally started in the US and has gradually moved across the pond. Baby Showers can take place in a variety of locations, with some mothers-to-be preferring to have the party at the home of a friend or family member as she will most likely be near the end of her pregnancy. Others can take place in a public setting such as going to dinner in a restaurant. Location, date and time all depend on the mother-to-be and what she is most comfortable with. If you do decide to have a baby shower at home though, we have a couple of ideas on how wristbands can benefit you and your little one’s celebration.


Party at home that requires a little home decoration?

Get everyone involved in celebrating your good news with making paperchains with wristbands. Tyvek wristbands look and feel like paper, but with the strength of plastic, these bands simply stick together with self-adhesive, so if there are little ones involved in helping out, there’s no tape or scissors required. Bands are already cut to size and the litter free Tyvek bands means there’s no mess for you to clean up.

If you’re planning on keeping your new-one’s gender a surprise, Tyvek bands are available in a range of blues and pinks so you’d have plenty of choice in coming up with a colour scheme for your paperchains. There’s even a striped range so you can mix it up to keep things neutral.


Let’s play!

Silly games are great entertainment at baby showers, with rude innuendos, detailed conversations that frankly, contained way too much information, and the infamous guessing the gender game. I went to a baby shower once where the mother-to-be wanted to keep her baby’s gender a surprise so she’d come up with a game for us all to write on a scrap of paper the gender, weight and date we thought she’d have her baby. It’s a fun game and gets a lot of discussion. There’s always someone in the party who thinks they’re right.

Rather than using scraps of paper, make your guessing game look professional by using the left-over wristbands from your paperchains. The connotating gender colours can represent which sex your partygoers believe your child we be, and with Tyvek wristbands, you can write on them to fill out their predicted weight and delivery date.


For silicone and fabric baby shower wristbands, we will be uploading posts next week.