Spring Events to Look Forward To

It’s the last week of February, whoop-whoop!


Let’s hope we don’t have a repeat of last year. I have a particular memory of missing my junction in a snow blizzard one cold early March evening. The country might be lovely, but we have a lack of street lighting. Anyway, no one wants to go back to snow ploughed roads with fallen trees, frozen windscreens, delayed trains and carparks which literally became ice-rinks.

On the flipside kids, you get a day out of school and/or college, so there’s that for you. (Can’t say whether parents feel the same joy when they hear their childcare is on strike for the day.)

Pushing aside the downside to winter, we’re looking forward to spring and with it, the introduction back into the festival season, with festival wristbands and national holidays. In fact, to get us started thinking about sunshine and warmth, here’s a list of spring events coming up this March.


St David’s Day

1st March 2019

Pancake Day

5th March 2019

St Piran’s Day

5th March 2019

World Book Day

7th March 2019

International Women’s Day

8th March 2019

Red Nose Day / Comic Relief

15th March 2019

St Patrick’s Day

17th March 2019

Spring Equinox

20th March 2019

Mother’s Day

31st March 2019



There’s quite a lot when you look into it. Especially since our list is but a few of the events happening this Spring.


If you’re someone planning an event this spring, get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to give you a quote on our wristbands (tyvek, vinyl, silicone and fabric) and lanyards (with or without pass holders). For the creative individuals, try out our online designer tool to create your own wristbands and lanyards. Unlike the bitter snow, we don’t bite.