International Men’s Day
Exactly a month today is International Men’s Day.
I’m not going to lie, when I read the previous sentence aloud in the office there was the response, ‘What do they do on that day then?’ I’m going to admit now that our sales office is made up of one man and the rest of us are women. Lucky for our sole male, he was absent during this discussion.
Looking up on Google (as you do) about the day, I read aloud some of the aims of International Men’s Day to my colleagues to see what their opinions were. As per the IMD website, the day is to bring focus on men’s and boy’s health, improve gender relations, promote gender equality and – as this year’s theme – highlight Positive Male Role Models. The latter, we all agreed was a good thing.
A day to celebrate the men in our life? Some would call it ridiculous while others will be supportive of the day. Why shouldn’t we encourage younger male generations to talk about their thoughts and feelings towards their gender, their identity and their health? Did you know the suicide rate for men is higher than for women? And what of stereotypes? Do they still exist in the world we live in today? What of social media? How does that affect men and teenage boys? There are so many questions that need answering, it’s mindboggling where to start.
It’s no wonder then that most men are not aware of IMD. Let’s change that. International Men’s Day is on the 19th November. To design and order a personal customised wristband in your support of International Men’s Day – or any other day (for that matter) which is important to you – have a look at our Online Designer option or contact our team for a quote and digital proof.
*Full information on International Men’s Day and the use of their logos can be found on their website: