4 Businesses to Benefit from Silicone Bands This Summer

The 6 weeks school holiday has begun and I imagine both parents and businesses are gearing up for the summer rush. The question of what to do is on everyone’s mind. If you’re not going abroad for the holidays, it can be hard to organise activities for the entire family to enjoy.


We asked individuals what they do during the summer and how we could help businesses and parents keep kids busy during the summer holidays. Check out which activities were frontrunners and how wristbands can help keep them ticking over this summer…


Swimming Pools

A given since the British weather has suddenly decided to bake us all. Swimming is great fun for the whole family and with many private pools popping up (Norfolk has a great variety – though, you’ll need to be quick to book as they get filled up pretty quick!) the opportunity to cool off this summer is easier than you think.

Silicone bands are often used for classes to indicate time slots, age safety and can be sequentially numbered for both youth and adult bands so parents, lifeguards, pool supervisors or attendants can locate a child to parent without panic.

Recommended: debossed or debossed and colour filled. For sequential numbering, please email the office.


Sports Club Groups

Variety is the selling point for sports clubs. One day can be basketball and tag, the next it’s roller-skating or painting. Silicone bands are great for merchandise as children love them and with a creative design to entice your class, you can advertise your business by putting your company name and number on the bands for the children to showcase to friends.

Children who attend summer camp don’t like to go without their friends and are always borrowing accessories, games, even bands from each other, which means you’ll be advertising your camp easily and affordably.

Outdoor play or trips? We can print a white text box on the inside of your band for you to write down emergency numbers.*


Children’s Play Areas

Ever been to a jungle gym? It’s manic and that’s putting it politely. While many companies tend to use the disposable paper bands for their entrance, why not keep things cheap and cheerful with plain silicone bands? All three sizes (nursery, youth and adult) are available in a variety of colours and you can reuse again and again, swapping colours for each day or time slot.


Summer Schools

Catching up on school work over the summer sounds like a punishment when it really doesn’t have to be. Teaching and learning can be fun with the right equipment, attitude and creativity. We sell Times Table wristbands which are not just subjected to schools, summer programs or personal tutors. Home learning with fun, light products such as wristbands can be an engaging pastime for children who become fed up with the same summer day.

Suggestion: Why not create your own teaching silicone band (we recently had a ruler design) with our online designer?



*Script will eventually wear due to sweat and movement.